Canal Creeper

Canal Creeper

The Canal Creeper is capable of pumping approximately 160 to 180 m³/hr of wet sediment/sediment slurry. The cutter arm is V-shaped which assists in the removal of grass and reed build up in the waterways. It is capable of working in water up to a depth of 1.6m with varying inclined slopes.

The unit has an on-board control system and moves on three wheels, two front and one back. It is powered by a 75kW oil cooled engine with a T6 Gorman Rupp pump. The mechanisms on the unit are hydraulically driven.

Canal Creeper

he Canal Creeper is capable of pumping approximately 160 to 180 m³/hr of wet sediment. The cutter arm is V-shaped which assists in the removal of grass and reed build up in the waterways. It is capable of working in water up to a depth of 1.6m with varying inclined slopes.

The unit has an on-board control system and moves on three wheels, two front and one back. It is powered by a 75kW oil cooled engine with a T6 Gorman Rupp pump. The mechanisms on the unit are hydraulically driven.

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